Everything about the current warning and weather situation.
The WarnWetter App offers the following functions (in the free version):• Overview of the current weather warning situation for Germany down to municipal level.• Detailed information on the weather warning situation for selected locations through official warnings, including a warning trend.• Configurable warning elements and warning levels• Configurable alarm function (push) for on-site warnings.• Switchable on-site warnings of severe weather events (thunderstorms, snow, icy conditions) when localized via mobile device.• Switchable alarm function when the warning situation changes on site.• Social media sharing function for sharing information from the WarnWetterApp e.g. via Facebook, Twitter or e-mail.• Warnings from our partners of floods, storm surges and avalanches.• Predicted trajectories of thunderstorm cells.• Coast warnings and lake warnings for Bavarian lakes.• Video information in case of severe weather situations.• Features like configurable widget, selection of tones, different wind speed units, etc.• Customizable start page for your favorite products (from version 3.0).For a one-time fee (in-app purchase) the WarnWetter App can be expanded to a full version including the following functions:• Display of current weather values and forecasts up to 7 days in advance. - Precipitation differentiated into rain, snow, sleet and hail (radar, model forecasts).- Clouds (satellite data, model forecasts).- Lightning (lightning location, forecasts).- Wind (model forecasts).- Temperatures (model forecasts).- Location-based weather values (weather stations and model forecast points).• In the map section (from version 2.0 in the chargeable full version): - The different data can be easily selected from the past to the future via a time control.- The data can be easily sorted according to weather elements (precipitation, clouds, temperature, wind) and can be combined as required.- Additional current weather values and forecasts from individual locations (weather conditions, temperature, wind, precipitation) can also be activated.• Text reports for the federal states, the German coast and sea areas, as well as an Alpine weather report (only available in German)• Forest fire hazards and Grasland Fire Index.• Information on thermal sensation and increased UV intensity.• Model forecasts for warning-relevant events such as storm, persisting or heavy precipitation.• User reports: Display of various weather events (thunderstorms, wind, tornado, etc.) plus the option of adding a user report with photo function.Note: The in-app purchase can be used on multiple devices when using the same account.You can find the WarnWetter app accessibility statement at https://www.warnwetterapp.de/barrierefreiheit.html• New warning areas for the cities of Berlin, Bremen, Lübeck, Düsseldorf, Kaiserslautern, Saarbrücken, Potsdam, Stuttgart, Freiburg• Territorial adjustments to the 2020 territorial reforms• Weather forecast for Lake Constance• Bug fixes
I like it overall. I'd love an Android shortcut action that leads me directly to the outlook screen (and shortcuts to the other screens as well), would be awesome if you could make that happen. Sometimes, when I open the outlook, it shows the current time and as soon as I scroll, it jumps to the current time on the following day. From there, I have to scroll back to the real current time, couldn't find a reason for this yet.
Best weather app for Germany
Push notifications funktionieren nicht, habe seit Monaten keine Warnung mehr bekommen.
Eine App die ständig vor Hochwasser warnt wenn es lediglich nieselt ist unbrauchbar. Dann wenn es gefährlich wird nimmt man die Warnung nämlich nicht mehr ernst. Update: Ich habe 1. Aachen auswählen können. 2. Nirgendwo in NRW ist der Spiegel von Flüssen nach einer der Warnungen nennenswert angestiegen. 3. Der Auslöser für eine Hochwasser Warnung ist zu niedrig. Ich bleibe bei meiner Aussage, dass eine App die 10000 Mal unnötig warnt im Ernstfall nicht ernst genommen wird.
Den fünften Stern gibt es, wenn ich auch durch die Wetterdaten der letzten Tage zurückscrollen kann.
Great App. I like the feature enabling users to report weather observations.
Die Wetterstation einer meiner Standorte (Rheinstetten) zeigt seit neuestem für das aktuelle Wetter keine Daten mehr an (unten steht "no data" und in allen Feldern ist ein " - " . Die Aussichten funktionieren wie gewohnt.